All pages
From TherapyCharts
- Adam:Monobook.css
- After I enter my username and password, I get stuck on the flying papers screen
- Approve new users
- Are all patients active? When would they be inactive?
- Are the medication dosages preset?
- Are there any auto-generated treatment goals?
- Aren’t all diagnoses open?
- Auto fill
- Automate Invoices
- Business Associate Agreement
- Bypass your cache
- Can I change my password?
- Can I change the review date?
- Can I create customized reports?
- Can I edit my progress note once it is signed and saved?
- Can I import my existing data?
- Can I schedule appointments for my co-workers?
- Can I search for a diagnosis name?
- Can I see my schedule in something other than the daily view?
- Can I see the appointments of my co-workers?
- Can I see the availability of my co-workers?
- Can I set up repeating appointments?
- Can I update medications?
- Can I use TherapyCharts without internet access?
- Can I use a signature pad like Topaz?
- Can I use my iPad?
- Can I use my tablet PC?
- Can TherapyCharts employees read my notes?
- Can you reset my password?
- Co-signing notes
- Color codes
- Common Concerns
- Common Printing Errors
- Converting from paper charts
- Couple's Therapy
- Create an invoice
- Creating a new progress note
- Creating new users
- Custom Fields
- Date timestamps
- Do I have an outstanding balance?
- Do I have to complete the narratives?
- Do I have to use your scheduler to keep notes on your system?
- Do you support DSM-V?
- Do you support spell checking?
- Does TherapyCharts sync to my personal calendar?
- Does TherapyCharts work on Windows or Mac?
- Does it support pre-existing handwriting recognition? Does it have built-in handwriting recognition?
- Feedback
- Firefox will not download homework
- Google Chrome will not download documents
- Help
- How do I access my previous progress notes?
- How do I add a new diagnosis?
- How do I add a new objective?
- How do I add a new problem?
- How do I add a new symptom?
- How do I add appointments?
- How do I add patients?
- How do I add support staff?
- How do I assign a DSM Axis?
- How do I assign a patient to a therapist?
- How do I cancel?
- How do I change billing plans?
- How do I change the associated problem?
- How do I change the printing settings to allow me to edit printouts once I download them?
- How do I create a new treatment plan?
- How do I create a template?
- How do I delete a note?
- How do I delete an appointment?
- How do I download my data
- How do I load a template into a patient file?
- How do I rate progress?
- How do I rate symptom status?
- How do I remove a problem?
- How do I remove a symptom?
- How do I review old treatment plans?
- How do I save my progress note?
- How do I set a target date?
- How do I sign my progress note
- How do I update objectives?
- How do I update your system with my current credit card information?
- How do I use the TheraScribe Treatment Planners?
- How do I write a SOAP note?
- How do you print a record or a particular progress note and treatment plan?
- How should I gauge frequency?
- How to Print a Progress Note
- How to Verify the most current version
- I'm having trouble printing.
- IE will not download documents
- I am invoiced, where do I send payment?
- I can't remember my password, can you help?
- I can’t read my whole objective, can I resize the column?
- I clicked on intake, but my browser keeps timing out. What should I do?
- I created fake patients, how do I delete them?
- I don’t see the service code that I want, what should I do?
- I enter a lot of text so the text area is too small for the progress notes or process notes fields. Can you make it bigger?
- I get a warning that the time is taken.
- I have a bad internet connection that drops out once in awhile, can I still use TherapyCharts?
- Is TherapyCharts Person Centered
- Is there a free trial?
- Is there a limit to the amount of storage for EMRs allowed by TherapyCharts per provider over time?
- Is there any software to install?
- Is your EHR system compatible with voice recognition software, specifically Dragon NaturallySpeaking?
- I’ve tried saving and nothing happens!
- Liberty University Student
- Main Page
- My client does not have a phone, what should I do?
- My patient has more than four active insurances. Where can I store the additional insurance information?
- My patient only has one insurance. What should l do in the extra insurance fields?
- NC HealthConnex
- Praise
- Pricing
- Protecting patient privacy
- Review other's clincial records
- Technical Details
- Test
- Training
- Transitioning Axis IV to the new coding
- Tutorials
- Using the Wiley Wizard
- What are CPT Codes?
- What are tags, how do I use them?
- What are the intervention codes?
- What are the signifiers?
- What do I put in the treatment field?
- What do the numbers stand for in the TS planners?
- What does it mean to be research-approved?
- What goes in the goal statement section?
- What goes in the objective field?
- What happens to my records if I stop using TherapyCharts?
- What happens when I retire?
- What if I die or become incapacitated?
- What is availability?
- What is modality?
- What is the description field for?
- What is the description field under Treatment Plan for?
- What is the description field under symptoms for?
- What is the location field for?
- What is the symptom name?
- What should I do if my notes get subpoenaed?
- What should I record in medication compliance tracking?
- What size should I scan my document at to get the best benefit from the Document Manager?
- What type of encryption, cipher, and key size do you us?
- When I go to write a progress note, the symptom list (given with the treatment plan) does not generate in the progress note. Rather it is blank. What is wrong?
- When should I complete a review?
- When would a patient be locked, what does this mean?
- Where does the appointment show?
- Where should I record risk assessments?
- Which web browsers are supported? Which do you recommend?
- Who qualifies as support staff?
- Why are there additional contacts?
- Why are there required fields? I don't require these in my practice.
- Why do I have to select an intervention?
- Why do you have contact information for a referral source?
- Why is there a name field?
- Why is there a section for government ID? What should I put there?
- Why is there contact information for the primary care physician?
- Why should I assess client compliance?
- Why should I complete Client Strengths/Weaknesses, Preferences, and Statement of Needs?
- test