Review other's clincial records

From TherapyCharts

If you are an administrator or a clinical supervisor you may need to view the records of other clinicians or students who work within your organization. The patient list by default will only show your assigned patients for your convenience. To view other clinical records you must add the other clinician's patients to your patient list. To do this, use the filter in the lower left hand corner of the patient list "+/- Filter" it is represented by a meeple in a blue shirt. The list will allow you to select Mine (patients assigned to your care), Others (patients assigned to other users in your organization), or Mine & Others (all patients in the organization). There are also options to show patients who are no longer active. Once the patients are loaded onto the patient list tab you can navigate through their chart like your own patients. If you do not have the permission to view other clinicians' records you must be granted them by your organization's administrator.