How do I use the TheraScribe Treatment Planners?

From TherapyCharts

The TheraScribe Treatment plan content is available on the Treatment plan tab. To access the tab you must:

  • 1) Login to the system
  • 2) Select a patient from the patient list (if you need to add patient please see directions for how to add patients in our common concerns)
  • 3) Click on the Treatment plan tab, it is the second tab in the top navigation row
  • 4) You can then select the TS Treatment Planner button from the second navigation row
  • 5) This will open a new window with the Treatment Plan Wizard
  • 6) Select the options that apply to your client and click next in the lower right hand corner to move to the next screen
  • 7) At the end, review the information and click "submit" in the lower right hand corner to copy your selections to the treatment plan.
  • 8) Remember to hit save draft if you wish to edit the plan later or sign and save once you are satisfied with all of the information on the plan.