How to Verify the most current version

From TherapyCharts
Revision as of 14:53, 23 April 2013 by Ryan (talk | contribs)
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  • an account on


  • goto
  • when the login screen appear force-reload the web application:
    • in FireFox: press Ctrl-F5
    • in IE: press Ctrl-R
    • in Safari: Hold down the option key while clicking on the refresh icon in the toolbar.
  • Wait for the most recent code to download.
  • Login with your username and password.
  • While the login is occuring note the version number below the TherapyCharts flying paper icon.
  • Once logged in, click "About TherapyCharts" in the lower right corner
  • Verify that the number shown, for example "1.4.1"
  • Verify that both numbers match the most recent version shown on this page: [[1]]