Do I have to complete the narratives?

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No, any of the fields in the system that are not directly required by licensing boards or insurance companies are not mandatory. You may complete or not complete the narrative fields. If you choose to complete the fields then they will be copied into new notes for you to update during the patient’s next visit. With this in mind some clinicians will create a format that allows for easy updating such as:

Jane arrived on time for session. She had completed last week’s homework assignment. We reviewed its usefulness and made modifications to its application for improved efficacy. Jane learned deep breathing strategies and was assigned daily practice for homework.

which, with little effort, can be updated to read:

Jane arrived late for session. She hadn’t completed last week’s homework assignment. We discussed the obstacles that prevented her from trying it and made modifications to its application for improved efficacy. Jane learned deep muscle relaxation and was assigned daily practice for homework.