Protecting patient privacy

From TherapyCharts
Revision as of 17:09, 23 January 2013 by Ryan (talk | contribs)
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TherapyCharts will time out after one hour of non-use. The system sees you as idle for one hour if you have not submitted any data to the site through the save function.This is important to realize as some forms, like the intake, may take you longer than an hour. You should save often. We time out to ensure that no one but you will have access to the patient data that you store in the system. If you have to walk away from your computer you should either save anything you are working on and log out (recommended method) or save anything you were working on and lock your screen (Window users can click CTRL-ALT-DELETE to do this). When you return to your computer click on the patient list screen to refresh the system and to make sure that you are still logged in. If it has been longer than an hour you will need to log in again before you can return to work.