I can't remember my password, can you help?

From TherapyCharts
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The short answer is no. For your protection and the protection of your clients, TherapyCharts employs a one-way-hash-function that prevents anyone, even us, from accessing your client records without entering the correct password. For similar security reasons, our system prevents us from creating a new password that could be used to access your patient records.

It is crucially important that you remember your password. While many places suggest you not write your password down, they also have the ability to reset it for you. Because of the encryption employed we cannot reset your password. If you are not 100% sure you can remember it, then write your username and password down on a piece of paper and put it somewhere safe like a vault, a safe deposit box, or where you keep your passport and birth certificate. DO NOT leave it near your computer or out in the open. Ideally do not write what website it goes to on the paper with the password so even if the paper is lost or stolen people will not know what site it goes with.