Difference between revisions of "Help"

From TherapyCharts
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Latest revision as of 16:53, 29 November 2017

You have clicked the help button within the TherapyCharts.com website. We look forward to assisting you on one of the forums below.


If you haven't already, review the area specific Training Videos (~1-5 min each) for the area you are working in. The application provides a menu option called "View Training Video" which will open the video relevant to the screen you are on.


We use primarily digital methods of providing documentation via on-line community supported knowledge base you are looking at now in particular:

  1. Tutorials section which lists tutorials and use cases for certain areas of the application;
  2. Common Concerns section which list the most some common things that may come up;
  3. FAQ section;
  4. Or searching by keyword with the search box to the left

Feedback & Chat

  1. via the Feedback link in the lower-right corner of the TherapyCharts application;
  2. via a chat with us from within the application

When you have a good block of time, you can also watch the full Demo Video (~40 min)