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To get access to your TherapyCharts account with Liberty University you must complete three basic steps:

(A) Purchase your materials

(B) Retrieve the valid TherapyCharts code from the eResouces at VitalSource Bookshelf

(C) Use the retrieved code to signup for a TherapyCharts account on a custom URL

Step A: Purchase your materials

Follow your university's instructions to get your course pack materials.

Step B: eResources

Accessing eResources

When a book has an accompanying eResource, you will access this through the online VitalSource Bookshelf® e-textbook platform following the steps below:

1. Log into Bookshelf online at https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com.

2. Using your mouse, click the ‘User Hub’ icon in the top-right corner to access the drop-down menu.

3. When one or more of your e-textbooks have an accompanying eResource, the Resources menu will appear. Use your mouse to select the link.

Note: If you don’t see the Resources menu, and you think you should, then try selecting Manage >Update Book List

4. The Resources page will list of any e-textbooks that have accompanying materials. Click on Access Codes at the top of the screen.

5. To reveal the access code, click the “Reveal Code” that is located next to the book. (The TherapyCharts code will be in the format ####-####, for example ABC1-D2E4)

Note: Once a code has been revealed, the e-textbook is no longer returnable.

Problems with Access codes for eResources

Access code already revealed

If you encounter an "Access code already revealed" error and you do not recall accessing the code, please contact VitalSource Support.

Questions about accessing eResources

Questions about using Access Codes, accessing eResources, the contents of eResources, exchanging eResources, and problems with access-protected Companion Materials should be addressed to the publisher in question.

Step C: Create a TherapyCharts Liberty University Account

After you have retrieved you TherapyCharts code (The TherapyCharts code will be in the format ####-####, for example ABC1-D2E4):

This URL should be used for Liberty University Students, goto https://secure.therapycharts.com/new/liberty

(You CANNOT signup for an account on the regular public signup page.)

Proceed with the signup and enter your code.