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As TherapyCharts uses the term "Support staff" as a broad term that may have other areas of access that includes concepts present in two specific roles:

Scheduler role

Scheduler staff generally have permission to access the calendars of all clinical staff and to add, remove, or edit any of the appointments on the calendar. When organizations set permissions up in this configuration, we strongly recommend that they create policies around how clinicians make time available to schedulers to set up appointments as well as procedures for both schedulers and clinicians to communicate when changes are made. Scheduler staff are not likely to have access to any clinical information, but may be able to view financial information to provide accurate answers to clients who call for assistance understanding their bills.

Biller role

Billing role only generally have permission to access all billing related components. This role is sometimes outsourced to a third party contract person (medical biller/bookkeeper) and they might want restricted access to configuration options or view some clinical data. Each organization can set permissions up based on their needs. Most billing staff can create accurate claims using the invoices portion of the site combined with the service activity logs. Some organizations add the reports section to this role so that they may download spreadsheets with more detailed information about client encounters.