Difference between revisions of "Can I create customized reports?"

From TherapyCharts
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Latest revision as of 18:08, 29 May 2015

We always welcome feedback for what additional reports clinicians need to keep their businesses running well. We routinely will add these as a part of our release schedule if they pass our clinical advisory boards selection process. If you want to share the report that you are interested in please send it to our team using either the feedback button or an email. These reports are included in our regular development cycle and will be added based on staffing availability.

If you are looking for a report that does not meet their selection requirements or you need the report faster then we estimate our development team can add the report, you may choose to work with our customization team. Customized reporting features generally cost approximately $120/hr to create depending on the included variables and desired outputs. Quotes can be provided for these reports by our sales team.