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Latest revision as of 14:38, 28 February 2014

Why your account needs approval / Why am I seeing this message?

The data within an organization is encrypted on various keys. When a new account is created within an organization it does not have the keys needed to access the data. An existing account needs to give a copy of the keys to the new account. This occurs when the existing account "approves" the new account.

Why can't the customer service representative just get me access?

In order to protect patient privacy, even the TherapyCharts CSR staff do not have access to those keys so the CSR staff cannot approve an account. Only an existing user within your organization has access to those keys, so only they can give you a copy.

How to approve users in the system

  1. login to the system with the existing account (note: this account MUST have access to the configuration -> user manager tab in order to approve new accounts)
  2. click configuration from the upper right hand corner
  3. click on user management from the second navigation row, last item
  4. scroll to the user table and find the name(s) you want to approve for access (i.e. give that new account a copy of the keys needed to access the data)
  5. click once on the name to highlight it in blue
  6. click the button approve user which is shown as a person in a blue shirt with a green arrow.
  7. You can verify that it was successful in the column marked approved which will change from false to true.