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CPT Codes are codes that represent the services performed for billing purposes. These are distinct from ICD codes which are for classification purposes.


Common Codes in Mental Health by Number

90801 Psychological Diagnostic Interview Examination (Includes report prep time 90885)
90802 Interactive Diagnostic Interview (with language interpreter or other mechanisms
90804 Individual psychotherapy, insight oriented, behavior modifying and/or supportive, in an office or outpatient facility, approximately 20 to 30 minutes face-to-face with the patient;
90806 Individual psychotherapy, insight oriented, behavior modifying and/or supportive, in an office or outpatient facility, approximately 45 to 50 minutes face-to-face with the patient;
90816 Individual medical psychotherapy, 20 – 30 minutes for Inpatient (Outpatient = 90804)
90818 Individual medical psychotherapy, 45 – 50 minutes for Inpatient (Outpatient = 90806)
90821 Individual medical psychotherapy, 75 – 80 minutes for Inpatient (Outpatient = 90808)
90847 Family Psychotherapy with patient Present (90846 without patient present; 90849 Multiple-family group psychotherapy)
90853 Group psychotherapy
96101 Psychological testing, interpretation and reporting per hour by a psychologist (Per Hour)
96102 Psychological testing per hour by a technician (Per Hour)
96103 Psychological testing by a computer, including time for the psychologist’s interpretation and reporting (Per Hour)
96105 Assessment of Aphasia
96111 Developmental Testing, Extended
96115 Neurobehavioral Status Exam (Per Hour)
96116 Chart Review, Scoring and Interpretation of Instruments, Note-Writing
96118 Neuropsychological testing, interpretation and reporting per hour by a psychologist
96119 Neuropsychological testing per hour by a technician
96120 Neuropsychological testing by a computer, including time for the psychologist’s interpretation and reporting
96150 Health & Behavioral Assessment – Initial
96151 Reassessment
96152 Health & Behavior Intervention – Individual
96153 Health & Behavior Intervention – Group
96154 Health & Behavior Intervention – Family with Patient
96155 Health & Behavior Intervention – Family without Patient
97770 Cognitive Rehabilitation

Common Codes by Name

Psychology/ Social Services

Social Services Assessment 40534
Social Services Consultation 40536
Social Services Referral 40537
Counseling Group 60370
Psychotherapy 30 min. 90804
Psychotherapy 50 min. 90806
Family Counseling 90847
Psychotherapy Group 90857
Psych. Eval. Of Records 90885
Psych. Testing Per Hour 96100
Developmental Test Per Hour 96111
Neurobehavioral Status Exam Per Hr. 96115
Neuropsychological Testing Per Hr. 96117


OT Evaluation 97003 Z
OT Re-evaluation 97004 Z
ROM Meas. Single Area 95851 Z
ROM Meas. Multiple Areas 95852 Z
Muscle Testing (excluding hand) 95831
Muscle Testing (hand) 95832
Physical Performance 15 min. 97750 Z
Ther. Exercise 15 min. 97110 Z
Therapeutic Act 15 min. 97530 Z
Neuromuscular Re-ed. 97112 Z
Manual Therapy 15 min. 97140 Z
Massage Therapy 97124 Z
Self Care 15 min. 97535 Z
Cognitive Skills 15 min. 97770 Z
Comm./Work reintegration 15 min. 97537 Z
Ultrasound 15 min. (CA) 97035 Z
Iontophoresis 15 min. (CA) 97033 Z
Electric Stimulation Unattended (S) 97014 Z
Electric Stim. 15 min. (CA) 97032 Z
Paraffin Bath (S) 97018 Z
Hot or Cold Pack (S) 97010 Z
Contrast Bath 15 min. (CA) 97034 Z
Splinting Material 29125
Neurobehavior Status Exam 96115 Z
Orthotic/Prosthetic Check 15 min. 97703 Z
Orthotics Fit/Training 15 min. 97504 Z
Prosthetic Training 15 min. 97520 Z
Wheelchair Training 15 min. 97542 Z
Group OT 97150 Z
Contract OT 15 min./visit 97799 Z
OT IEP 30 min.


PT Eval 97001
PT Re-evaluation 97002
ROM Meas. Single Area 95851
ROM Meas. Multiple Areas 95852
Muscle Testing (excluding hand) Manual 95831
Muscle Testing (hand) 95832
Physical Performance 15 minutes 97750
Ther. Exercise 15 minutes 97110
Therapeutic Act 15 minutes 97530
Neuromuscular Re-ed 97112
Gait Training 97116
Aquatic Therapy/ Exercises 97113
Manual Therapy 15 minutes 97140
Massage Therapy 97124
Ultrasound 15 min. (CA) 97035
Iontophoresis 15 min. (CA) 97033
Electric Stimulation Unattended (S) 97014
Electric Stimulation 15 min. (CA) 97032
Paraffin Bath (S) 97018
Mech. Traction Therapy (S) 97012
Hot or Cold Pack (S) 97010
Contrast Bath 15 min. (CA) 97034
Orthotic/Prosthetic Checkout 15 min. 97703
Orthotics Fit/Training 15 min. 97504
Prosthetic Training 15 min. 97520
Wheelchair Training 15 min. 97542
Group PT 97150
Contract PT 15 min./visit 97799
PT IEP 30 min.


Speech Evaluation 92506
SLP Therapy 92507
SLP Therapy Group 92508
Swallowing Treatment 92526
Contract ST/visit 92599
ST IEP 30 min.


Office Consult 1 99241
Office Consult 2 99242
Office Consult 3 99243
Office Consult 4 99244
Office Visit 15 min. Estab. Pt. 99213
Office Visit 25 min. Estab. Pt. 99214
Office Visit 40 min. Estab. Pt. 99215


Comprehensive Hearing Test 92557
Audio Orientation, Fitting 22500
Hearing Aid Device 22510
Audio Ear Mold 22520
Audio Batteries 22560
Hearing Aid Repair 22571
Audio Dispensing Fee 22582
Tympanometry 92567