MediaWiki API result
This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.
Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.
See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.
{ "batchcomplete": "", "continue": { "apcontinue": "Can_I_see_the_appointments_of_my_co-workers?", "continue": "-||" }, "query": { "allpages": [ { "pageid": 276, "ns": 0, "title": "Business Associate Agreement" }, { "pageid": 99, "ns": 0, "title": "Bypass your cache" }, { "pageid": 119, "ns": 0, "title": "Can I change my password?" }, { "pageid": 132, "ns": 0, "title": "Can I change the review date?" }, { "pageid": 211, "ns": 0, "title": "Can I create customized reports?" }, { "pageid": 156, "ns": 0, "title": "Can I edit my progress note once it is signed and saved?" }, { "pageid": 237, "ns": 0, "title": "Can I import my existing data?" }, { "pageid": 155, "ns": 0, "title": "Can I schedule appointments for my co-workers?" }, { "pageid": 206, "ns": 0, "title": "Can I search for a diagnosis name?" }, { "pageid": 157, "ns": 0, "title": "Can I see my schedule in something other than the daily view?" } ] } }